Setting up Rules and Actions for the Device installed.
Step 1: Select clients on the left tab and then select the device you would like to edit the Rules and Action on intertrade(Certificate number) ie. intertrade50
Step 2: Select Rules on the top of configuration tabs.
In the rule page you will be able to Add, Edit or Remove rules for each channel.
In the rule options you will the following settings as displayed below in image.
When a new Rule is created or edited for a channel the following will need to be set.
Name: This is to identify which channel you are adding to the actions. (The name is optional but for best practice try and keep uniform to Device certificate and channel number)
Channel: This is the channel number on Avlytics
Probability: This is the Match score setting for alerts.
Left drop down must always be Greater than >.
Right editable setting will be the strictness of when an alert can be sent through.
Trainable version - 0
Go Version - Default - 85
Days and Time: This is to set a schedule on when a channel should armed/disarmed.
The first time section is arming times and then last section is disarming times.
Below in image is set for 24/7 schedule.
Anomaly indicator: This must always be set to no
Once happy with all the rule settings you may Save.
Actions: The action tab can be found on right side next to the rule tab.
Actions specify where an event goes, based on a rule configured for the channel.
This allows the user to create multiple actions for each channel.
If a rule states that Human presence should be sent between 6pm and 6am, the Action is configured to send the alerts based on that rule, to a specific telegram chat ID.
The user may have a second rule for the same channel where they require human presence to be sent between 6am and 10pm on Region 2 to a different telegram chat id.
The Actions tab is used to configure this functionality.
Actions will have the following configurable settings.
Name: This is to identify which Action you are adding/editing. (The name is optional but for best practice try and keep uniform to Device certificate and channel number)
Rules: These are all channel rules setup in the Rule tab. Please ensure at all times that all the rules are selected.
Platforms: This is for where you would like alerts to be sent to. Avlytics Plugin(Control room software), Hub(for training purpose, Telegram(Telegram messenger.)
Telegram Group: This is the chatid from the Alert group. You can confirm what the id is by requesting on Alert group with /chatid command.