On the Telegram info group when one issue's a /status request, a list of important metrics and values is sent to the user.
At the bottom of the status response you may observe the following values : 

Vpn reconnects : 5

Device reboots : 5

Device errors : 75

Docker Errors : 0

These values represent the device's network stability. 

Each device has an auto recovery script that is executed every minute.

The script checks the following :
Is the device connected to the internet ?
Can the device ping it's gateway ?
Can the device send and receive TCP Traffic ? 

Are ICMP request's getting acceptable response times ? 

Can the device connect to the Cloud server via SSL ?

If any of these checks fail, the script will automatically increment the "Device errors" Value. 

If total network failure is detected, the script will increment the "Vpn reconnects" Value and attempt to reconnect automatically. 

If the device is running out of resource's, for example. The CPU % is too high, temperature is too high, or device cannot ping it's gateway, the script automatically reboot's the device to allow the device to have a new clean startup. 

The "Device reboots" value will also be incremented in these cases. 

The "Docker Errors" displays any occurrence of software failure, this value will increment if a firewall or proxy server is blocking the connection from the device to any of our services.  

It is perfectly acceptable to have values in all of these fields as the device has built in recovery. 
With South Africa's loadshedding and poor internet infrastructure, it is common for the device to lose connection and have to auto recover and for the device to auto reboot occasionally.
The values only illustrate the device's connection stability. 
If high values are observed on any device, the installer should reset these values by issuing a /network request on the telegram info group and selecting : "Reset Status Error Metrics" button.  This will reset the values to zero and allow you to  monitor the numbers of a given period of for example 24 Hours. If the number's increment greatly then Avlytics support team should be contacted to investigate and identify what is causing the issues.