cd amedevices/videodevices
git pull
after upgrade check the logs and look for any errors :
cd amedevices/videodevices
./ | grep edge_bot
If you see a Traceback that says KeyError : mobile_api_true
The error will appear as below :
To fix this , open device_config.json and check the data in "plugin_data" : {}
nano device_config.json
Ctrl + W to search
Type: plugin_data
Press Enter
Now we paste the new Key:Value pairs into the config file.
so the Config will look like this
"plugin_data": { "sentinel_api_true":"false","sentinel_api_url":"false","sentinel_api_key":"false","autonetics_api_true":"false","autonetics_api_url":"","mobile_api_true":"false", "listener":"true",etc....