If status is not returning anything on Telegram, we need to test the script that generates the status manually.

cd amedevices/videodevices/APPS/edge_bot/

python3 online_status.py

This should execute without any errors.

If you get a prompt to input your password then the problem is that this script has not been added to permissions.
Ctrl + C to cancel the prompt ( do not enter password )

To rectify the permissions issue.
cd amedevices/videodevices/
sudo ./permissions.sh

Now try to execute the Script again and it should execute without prompting for a password.

This error can be detected in the logs by executing the following log grep.

cd amedevices/videodevices/
./logs.sh | grep edge_bot

The issue will present as follows :

If this error is not a permission related issue you might get the following error message.

In this case it is showing that there is an error in status json file.

To rectify this you will to perform the following steps.

more status.json


This image shows that there is an additional } at the end.

This additional } will need to be removed.

To do so follow these steps

nano status.json
pres end to go to the end of the json

delete one of the }

control o to save

control x to exit

Once deleted and saved run the online_status.py again to check if error is fixed

cd amedevices/videodevices/APPS/edge_bot/

python3 online_status.py